The New Order - Chapter 1

Things that go bumb in your head!

The New Order - Chapter 1

Postby hbyte » Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:59 pm

The New Order.

Chapter 1 Freddy the snitch

A tall well dressed man wearing sunglasses arrived at the cafetria on the corner of Ranken Street on the south east side of Glasgow. He was'nt a regular and not being from these parts he spoke clearly and with some effort when he ordered a strawberyy sunday. He lifeted his shades and looked down at the desert when it arrived, straightened his tie and began to eat. When all of a sudden there came a shriek from somewhere nearby. It was a car crash. The man reached for his brief case and clutched it as he looked around pensively. His right hand gripped the case while his left hand fumbled in his jacket for a revolver.

Suddenly out of nowhere a teenager ran towards him and made a dive for the case. "No yer don't laddy' Came the thick Scottish accent of the man as he knocked the teen to the floor, stood up straightened his tie again and walked off in the direction of the number 10 bus.

Behind him was a scene of pandemonium as two crowds steadily grew - one surrounding the teen and another beside a crash scene in which the teen had evidently escaped and attempted to grab the brief case.

As the man walked off he pressed a button on his sleeve and a huge orange glow began to grow in the center of the street. Several cars swerved to avoid it and crashed resulting in another accident before the man hopped into the orange hole which was about the size of a cow and emmerged in a wood somehwere outside inverleery.

He brushed himself off and took off purposefuly through the woods.

"Bloody wormholes, they always appear just in the way of everything else causing complete chaos and drawing too much attention.", muttered the man.

"We will have to be more careful in future and stay away from public places when we jump.", he looked down at the case when he said 'We' and carressed it.

On the other side of town a group of aliens began to conspire about the recovery of 'The Artifact'.

The aliens were in fact actors.

The effect was for an advertisement for a new type of cola. The aliens where in a circle with a baby alien in the center drinking this new type of cola and at the same time creating another universe in the twinkling of its alien eye.

The script had been written by a teenager who lived on the projects and was hunting for something. Something that would make him rich. Something that would drag him out of the projects and into the world of film making. He wanted to be in control of his work and no longer have to make shady deals over the intranet for his pearls of creativity to be reworked and plagerised by the New Order. The New Order paid its writers a pittance but it was nothing compared to being transported offworld. By working for them he was entitled to stay in the Projects and keep his own body. On earth everyone had been authorized to remain by the New Order.

However he knew that if he could get hold of the artifact the New order would pay handsomely. What is it? spoke the first alien. 'Its eternity' spoke the second. 'Its a gateway to join the New Order anywhere in the galaxy' They all looked at the last alien who shrugged before they all looked at the alien baby that winked as it created a new universe in its large black eye.

"End take. That was good baby loved it but will it do for the Order?", shouted the man in charge as he drew heavily on a cigarette.

"It'll do. Now lets get down the pub and sink a few before the kerfuw that will come after they release this batch of propoganda. The resistence are going to go mental when they see this.", laughed his collegue who had been in charge of filming the scene. He stood up from the video seatage and pushed the giant nuclear powered camera he operated aside.

The two men laughed and strode off to get their coats. The actors had all ready left the film studio and as the lights of the warehouse studio shut off. A young man dressed in a dark tweed suit fumbled with the lock to the studio. He wanted to get the prop from the scene. He could sell it to the resistance make a few bob on the side for his old mum.

Security was already there. "Frank what have we got? Looks like a teenager again looking to steal props. Probably trying to make some money on the side. Yeah well weve got him this time that alien baby has got a tracker in it he wont get far.

Meanwhile somewhere in the woods outside Inverleary. "Frank your back did you get it darling?", it was Franks girl Nanya - a polish bird who had escaped the clutches of the Order too many times.
"Only just - the resistence sent another kid down the wire to try and retrieve it"
"Any bother from the new order?", spoke an old man who seemed to be lurking in the shadows of this poorly lit shack in the middle of the woods.

"The order knows nothing. They don't even know it exists only the resistence knows."

"Well if this gets out we stand to all be hunted by both of them.....", spoke up the old man - a defector who had helped the couple in the past. He was on neither side and hated the resistance as much as the New Order.

Somewhere on the south side of the city and with the dockyards of glasgow learing over them and the pitch black nite to conceal them the young man made his pitch

Listen Freddy its gotta be worth more than a few sobs its pricless. Freedy wasn't impressed he knew this upstart was from down south and offered him a few coins and thats all your getting mind and gave him shuv.

'Hey I thought we was friends?', pleaded the young man. Not any more that things got a tracker in it' Freddy waved a device over it that flashed fromred to green.'See ya fool..' 'Friend of mind on the force told me so youve led them right to us you fool. I'm off..' Freddy jumped off the docks and disapeared through an orange hole that appeared next to the water

Several shouts came from the nearby buildings oi you stop in the name of the new order

The new order police descended on the young man who was nicked, questioned and then released on bail. He was lucky if he'd had the merchandise on him it would have been off the colonys for him - no question.

Freddy had taken the Prop with him when he jumped.

Whats this Freddy ? Its the prop for the new adverts the ministry have been using to control us I thought thats what you wanted?

I did .. well done

A woman from the resistance sat with several uniformed resistance fighters who were polishing their guns and smoking a joint.

She was complaining and could clearly be overheard, "Its in my head I need some more of those pills you got any the adverts they are all I bloddy dream about how the fuck do they do it.

"I don't sleep I just drink

"Theyre trying to track us down have us betray this location, she paused. Where are we anyway

"Ahh ha yes you see thats why we need the props the resistance needs to keep this place quiet or else. Without our counter propoganda we'd all be offworld while our bodys would be enslaved by the order and you dont want that now do yee.", crooned an old skool resistence fighter.

The woman quietended down as she was offered another swig of the cough medicine that they all seemed to have in surplus that and the hashish where the only two things the new order couldnt control.

Freddy momentarily distracted by the woman now continued the converstation with the resistance leader.

"Yeah so...It had a tracker which I have removed"

"We have nearly got all the props we need to start to film our own counter propoganda."

"Sounds great. If I can't help you anymore then I'll be off" Freddy saluted the leader who smiled.

Wait there freddy Ive got one more task for you. We need to trace the wearabouts of this man.

The resistence leader held up a photo of the man at the cafeteria. He has something of ours. Something very valuable.

Jason McDeary opened the case. Nanya gorped at the golden glow of light the seemed to flow over them all like a warming blanket. 'Isnt it cute', she offered. "Cute! This things worth millions." "What does it eat?" "Ideas." whispered the old man.
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