Tutorial on Seed Optimising a Neural Network

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Tutorial on Seed Optimising a Neural Network

Postby hbyte » Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:32 pm

Below is a basic example of C++ code demonstrating seed searching for a simple neural network applied to a reinforcement learning problem related to the production of exotic matter for creating gravity-inverting wormholes.

Please note that this example is highly simplified and abstract, focusing more on the structure of the code rather than the intricate details of neural networks or reinforcement learning algorithms.

Code: Select all
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <random>

// Define a simple neural network class
class NeuralNetwork {
    // Constructor
    NeuralNetwork(int inputSize, int outputSize) : inputSize(inputSize), outputSize(outputSize) {}

    // Train the neural network (not implemented in this example)
    void train(std::vector<double>& input, std::vector<double>& target) {
        // This function would implement the training of the neural network
        // using backpropagation or another learning algorithm

    // Generate an action based on input state
    std::vector<double> generateAction(std::vector<double>& state) {
        // Placeholder action generation (not implemented in this example)
        // This function would typically return the output of the neural network
        // given the input state
        return std::vector<double>(outputSize, 0.5); // Placeholder action

    int inputSize;
    int outputSize;

// Define a function to simulate the reinforcement learning environment
void simulateEnvironment(NeuralNetwork& neuralNet) {
    // Simulate RL environment (not implemented in this example)
    // This function would simulate interactions between the agent (neural network)
    // and the environment, including rewards and state transitions

int main() {
    // Set up seed searching
    int numSeeds = 5;
    std::vector<int> seeds = {123, 456, 789, 101112, 131415}; // Sample seeds

    // Loop through different seeds
    for (int i = 0; i < numSeeds; ++i) {
        std::cout << "Seed: " << seeds[i] << std::endl;

        // Set up random number generator with current seed
        std::mt19937 rng(seeds[i]);

        // Create neural network instance
        NeuralNetwork neuralNet( /* input size */,  /* output size */ );

        // Seed-specific setup (if any)

        // Train and simulate environment

    return 0;

In this code:

The NeuralNetwork class is a placeholder for a basic neural network structure. It has methods for training and generating actions based on input states.
The simulateEnvironment function is a placeholder for the reinforcement learning environment, where the agent (the neural network) interacts with the environment and receives rewards.
The main function sets up the seed searching loop. It iterates through a set of predefined seeds, initializes the random number generator with each seed, creates a neural network instance, and simulates the environment.
This code provides a framework for seed searching in a reinforcement learning context with a basic neural network. Depending on your specific problem and environment, you would need to implement the neural network training, action generation, and environment simulation accordingly.

Let's extend the previous example to include two seed search mechanisms: Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Random Search. We'll use these methods to find optimal seeds for our reinforcement learning problem.

First, let's start with the Genetic Algorithm approach:

Code: Select all
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>

// Define a simple neural network class
class NeuralNetwork {
    // Constructor
    NeuralNetwork(int inputSize, int outputSize) : inputSize(inputSize), outputSize(outputSize) {}

    // Train the neural network (not implemented in this example)
    void train(std::vector<double>& input, std::vector<double>& target) {
        // This function would implement the training of the neural network
        // using backpropagation or another learning algorithm

    // Generate an action based on input state
    std::vector<double> generateAction(std::vector<double>& state) {
        // Placeholder action generation (not implemented in this example)
        // This function would typically return the output of the neural network
        // given the input state
        return std::vector<double>(outputSize, 0.5); // Placeholder action

    int inputSize;
    int outputSize;

// Define a function to simulate the reinforcement learning environment
void simulateEnvironment(NeuralNetwork& neuralNet) {
    // Simulate RL environment (not implemented in this example)
    // This function would simulate interactions between the agent (neural network)
    // and the environment, including rewards and state transitions

// Genetic Algorithm for seed optimization
int geneticAlgorithmSeedSearch(std::vector<int>& seeds) {
    // Placeholder genetic algorithm seed search (not implemented in this example)
    // This function would perform the genetic algorithm search to optimize seeds
    // Here, we simply return the first seed as the "best" seed for demonstration
    return seeds[0];

int main() {
    // Define seeds
    std::vector<int> seeds = {123, 456, 789, 101112, 131415}; // Sample seeds

    // Genetic Algorithm Seed Search
    std::cout << "Genetic Algorithm Seed Search:" << std::endl;
    int bestSeedGA = geneticAlgorithmSeedSearch(seeds);
    std::cout << "Best Seed found by Genetic Algorithm: " << bestSeedGA << std::endl;

    // Random Search Seed Search
    std::cout << "\nRandom Search Seed Search:" << std::endl;
    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
    std::shuffle(seeds.begin(), seeds.end(), gen);
    int bestSeedRandom = seeds[0];
    std::cout << "Best Seed found by Random Search: " << bestSeedRandom << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this code:

We introduce a geneticAlgorithmSeedSearch function that serves as a placeholder for the genetic algorithm seed search mechanism. In a real scenario, this function would implement the genetic algorithm logic to optimize seeds based on some fitness criterion.
In the main function, we call the geneticAlgorithmSeedSearch function to find the best seed using the genetic algorithm approach.
Additionally, we perform a random search (Random Search Seed Search) where we shuffle the seed vector and select the first seed as the best one.
This demonstrates how you can integrate a Genetic Algorithm for seed optimization and perform a simple Random Search as alternatives to find the optimal seeds for your reinforcement learning problem.

Let's implement another seed search method using a Grid Search approach. In grid search, we systematically explore a predefined set of seed values to find the one that yields the best performance.

Here's how you can integrate grid search into the C++ code:

Code: Select all
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>

// Define a simple neural network class
class NeuralNetwork {
    // Constructor
    NeuralNetwork(int inputSize, int outputSize) : inputSize(inputSize), outputSize(outputSize) {}

    // Train the neural network (not implemented in this example)
    void train(std::vector<double>& input, std::vector<double>& target) {
        // This function would implement the training of the neural network
        // using backpropagation or another learning algorithm

    // Generate an action based on input state
    std::vector<double> generateAction(std::vector<double>& state) {
        // Placeholder action generation (not implemented in this example)
        // This function would typically return the output of the neural network
        // given the input state
        return std::vector<double>(outputSize, 0.5); // Placeholder action

    int inputSize;
    int outputSize;

// Define a function to simulate the reinforcement learning environment
void simulateEnvironment(NeuralNetwork& neuralNet) {
    // Simulate RL environment (not implemented in this example)
    // This function would simulate interactions between the agent (neural network)
    // and the environment, including rewards and state transitions

// Grid Search Seed Search
int gridSearchSeedSearch(std::vector<int>& seeds) {
    // Placeholder grid search seed search (not implemented in this example)
    // This function performs grid search over the given set of seeds
    // and returns the seed that yields the best performance
    int bestSeed = seeds[0]; // Initialize with the first seed

    // Iterate over all seeds and choose the one with the best performance
    // (In this simple example, we just return the first seed)
    for (int seed : seeds) {
        // Perform simulation using seed and evaluate performance
        // Update bestSeed based on performance evaluation (not implemented)
        break; // Placeholder

    return bestSeed;

int main() {
    // Define seeds
    std::vector<int> seeds = {123, 456, 789, 101112, 131415}; // Sample seeds

    // Grid Search Seed Search
    std::cout << "Grid Search Seed Search:" << std::endl;
    int bestSeedGridSearch = gridSearchSeedSearch(seeds);
    std::cout << "Best Seed found by Grid Search: " << bestSeedGridSearch << std::endl;

    return 0;

We introduce a gridSearchSeedSearch function that serves as a placeholder for the grid search seed search mechanism. This function iterates over all the seeds and evaluates their performance in the reinforcement learning environment, selecting the one that yields the best performance.
In the main function, we call the gridSearchSeedSearch function to find the best seed using the grid search approach.
This implementation demonstrates how to perform grid search over a predefined set of seeds to find the one that yields the best performance for the reinforcement learning problem.

Grid Search is a simple yet effective method used for hyperparameter optimization. It involves defining a grid of hyperparameter values and exhaustively searching through all possible combinations of these values. For each combination, the model is trained and evaluated using cross-validation or a separate validation set. Finally, the hyperparameters that yield the best performance are selected.

Here are some key points about Grid Search:

Exhaustive Search: Grid Search explores all possible combinations of hyperparameters within the defined grid.

Easy to Implement: Grid Search is straightforward to implement and understand, making it a popular choice for hyperparameter tuning, especially in smaller parameter spaces.

Computational Cost: The main drawback of Grid Search is its computational cost. As the number of hyperparameters and their values increases, the search space grows exponentially, leading to longer computation times.

Discrete Search Space: Grid Search is suitable for discrete hyperparameter spaces, where each hyperparameter can take on a finite set of values.

Now, regarding the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, it's a population-based optimization technique inspired by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. In PSO, a population of candidate solutions (particles) moves through the search space with each particle adjusting its position based on its own experience and the experiences of its neighbors. The objective is to converge to the optimal solution by iteratively updating the velocity and position of each particle.

Here's how you can adapt PSO for seed searching:

Code: Select all
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>

// Define a simple neural network class
class NeuralNetwork {
    // Constructor
    NeuralNetwork(int inputSize, int outputSize) : inputSize(inputSize), outputSize(outputSize) {}

    // Train the neural network (not implemented in this example)
    void train(std::vector<double>& input, std::vector<double>& target) {
        // This function would implement the training of the neural network
        // using backpropagation or another learning algorithm

    // Generate an action based on input state
    std::vector<double> generateAction(std::vector<double>& state) {
        // Placeholder action generation (not implemented in this example)
        // This function would typically return the output of the neural network
        // given the input state
        return std::vector<double>(outputSize, 0.5); // Placeholder action

    int inputSize;
    int outputSize;

// Define a function to simulate the reinforcement learning environment
void simulateEnvironment(NeuralNetwork& neuralNet) {
    // Simulate RL environment (not implemented in this example)
    // This function would simulate interactions between the agent (neural network)
    // and the environment, including rewards and state transitions

// Particle Swarm Optimization Seed Search
int particleSwarmSeedSearch(std::vector<int>& seeds) {
    // Placeholder particle swarm seed search (not implemented in this example)
    // This function performs particle swarm optimization to optimize seeds
    // Here, we simply return the first seed as the "best" seed for demonstration
    return seeds[0];

int main() {
    // Define seeds
    std::vector<int> seeds = {123, 456, 789, 101112, 131415}; // Sample seeds

    // Particle Swarm Optimization Seed Search
    std::cout << "Particle Swarm Optimization Seed Search:" << std::endl;
    int bestSeedPSO = particleSwarmSeedSearch(seeds);
    std::cout << "Best Seed found by Particle Swarm Optimization: " << bestSeedPSO << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this code:

We introduce a particleSwarmSeedSearch function that serves as a placeholder for the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) seed search mechanism. In a real scenario, this function would implement the PSO logic to optimize seeds based on some fitness criterion.
In the main function, we call the particleSwarmSeedSearch function to find the best seed using the PSO approach.
This implementation demonstrates how to use the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to search for the best seed for the reinforcement learning problem.
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