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Implement CUDA using Tensorflow Methods.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 4:03 pm
by hbyte
I was often disatisfied with CUDA methods available as examples on the net, often they were inaccurate and did not perform adequately for a problem that requires the following:

OxNK x NC= N x NC * NxOxNK x NC

O = flattened output dimension
NK = Number of Kernels
NC = Number of channels = RGB
N = flattened input dimension

(This is an amended version of the previous equation for Feedforwarding a Convolutional Neural Network:
OxNxNKxNC = NxKxNC * KxOxNK)

In order to calculate this using CUDA I could not iterate NK,N, and O all in parallel without using the Tensorflow Method (GPU_1D_KERN_LOOP) and my Transkern array:

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GPU_1D_KERN_LOOP(index, O_O*N_N*4){

      const int nk = (index / 1 )% 4;
      const int col = (index / 4 )% O_O;
      const int row = (index / 4 /O_O)% N_N;
      atomicAdd(&O_a[col+nk*O_O],I_a[row] * Kernel[nk*25+Transkern[row+col*N_N]]);

NB. size of kernel = 5x5 = 25, Number of kernels = 4

The Transkern array produces a connection matrix using the Output and Input dimensions O_O x N_N there are NK Transkern matrix's.

The TF routine is implemented using a basic config using CUDA streams and an iterator defined as follows:

(This is copied straight from TF source code!)
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/*Am copying googles tensorflow here - to learn*/
namespace detail {
template <typename T>
class GpuGridRange {

   struct Iterator {
      __device__ Iterator(T index, T delta) : index_(index), delta_(delta) {}
      __device__ T operator*() const { return index_;}
      __device__ Iterator& operator++() {
         index_ += delta_;
         return *this;

      __device__ bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
         bool greater = index_ > other.index_;
         bool less = index_ < other.index_;
         return less;
         return greater;

      return less || greater;

      T index_;
      const T delta_;

   };   //end Iterator struct

          __device__ GpuGridRange(T begin,T delta,T end)
      : begin_(begin),delta_(delta),end_(end) {}
   __device__ Iterator begin() const {return Iterator(begin_,delta_); }
   __device__ Iterator end() const {return Iterator(end_,0);}

   T begin_;
   T delta_;
   T end_;   

};   //end GPU class class
};   //end namespace detail

template <typename T>   //Allows you to use GPU iterator with all data types
__device__ detail::GpuGridRange<T> GpuGridRangeX(T count) {
return detail::GpuGridRange<T>(

   /*begin*/blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x,
   /*delta*/gridDim.x * blockDim.x, /*end*/count


You can see the familiar CUDA code being used by the iterator defined above. This iterates for any data type across dimension x of the CUDA grid, block's and threads.

It is then defined as a simple loop using the following simple define:

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#define GPU_1D_KERN_LOOP(i, n) \
  for (int i : ::GpuGridRangeX<int>(n))

Here is the above routine with config (Note the important inclusion of CUDA streams:
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cudaStream_t stream1;

cudaMalloc((void **)&O_a, O_O  * NK * sizeof(float));
cudaMemcpyAsync(O_a, Oarray, O_O * NK * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice,stream1);


I believe this method to be the best one for implementing CUDA for processing Deep Neural Nets and should make full use of the above methods used by TensorFlow.