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King Arthurs Mall - Part 1

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 5:00 pm
by hbyte
Somwhere inside the earth there came a rumble. As it became more audible from the surface it sounded like a hundred horses galloping over the rolling landscape and creating a thunderous sound that made everyone lookup from their days labour.

The commune had existed for as long as they could remember. Infact most of its inhabitants had been born inside its loving embrace. Cared for and looked after in a way that was perfectly symbiotic with the new world that contained it. This new world was a former earth.

However there was a competition between time lines. The sychrotron had brought them here. Brought them from a distant future to live in earths distant past - but a past that was devoid of any other humans. They had tweeked the dinosaur age. A slight genetic alteration had meant that there would be no Mammals for atleast another 10 million years. No Mammals meant no humans. It was a world filled with animals and insects but no humans. They called it delayed evolution - arrested development. It was paradise.

They lived inside the Mall. The Mall was a self contained city from the future. From an age when earth no longer functioned no longer supported life.

But there was competition between the time lines. Something was breaking through. It was humanity's real history. It was the charge. Well they called it the charge. As real as you or me. The living breathing earth that the scientists had tried to delete like a computer program - by editing the dna of our oldest ancestors.

History was alive and was breaking through into their reality.

The horses thunder culmintaed in a roar and then the rift happened. And down they crashed every stead snorting as its riders clad in armour looked about for recognition of this new world. The Mall people shreiked and ran into the woods. The Mall was preprogrammed to evapourate to prevent a temporal paradox. The walls of the Mall began to disappear.

"What is this? What witchcraft is this Merlin?" Shouted the King.

"Another world my lord. We have bridged our world with theirs.", he pointed to the running Mall people.

"Capture them" , he signalled to his knight.

"Capture them all I want to make camp here in this strange new world and Merlin can you find our way back."

"Well yes sire if I am to understand it this rift can be summoned using the usual incantations.

"Like the ones that brought us here no doubt"