Underground hidden space gateway.

Things that go bumb in your head!

Underground hidden space gateway.

Postby hbyte » Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:00 pm

Can a space gate be constructed beneath the earth and used as a gateway to other star systems?

We all love the idea of being whisked away to some mysterious hidden underground vortex a secret stargate buried somewhere beneath our citys or behind some huge mountain and only accessable to
the alien Elite as in the film "Them" or by Military professionals and a chosen academic as in the film "Stargate", or when things go horribly wrong for an elite group of scientists in the game "Half life".

But is this actually possible. Is wormhole technology doable. Can we literally beam ourselves across time and space and then back into corporeal reality.

This does have a connection to cloning but is quite distinct and seperate. A concept that was explored in the 6th day was if a perfect copy is made of me then what is the fundamental difference between before and after. If I am to be converted to energy what am I if not a copy of my original which has either been destroyed in the uploading procedure or continues to exist.

Would my copy be imperfect after all the assembly of the human body takes time and nature and reality isnt easy to replicate. Perhaps my body pn the other side would be a shoddy attempt - a clone or at best a humanoid machine into which my mind has been uploaded as in the film Surrogates. But these are all topics for other discussions. What we really want to know here isnt whether minds or bodys can be transferred by some artificial means but whether an intact body can traverse a tear in space time.

In the film the fly when the scientist played by jeff goldblum, finally gets the machine to work he is almagamated with another organism - the fly. This would suggest that in this telling there is a copying procedure in place and that during that process the two organisms are combined into a hybrid. There was no original(s) left behind so this suggests an alchemy at work that involves transference rather than copy. The physical bodys are transcended into another state - most likely non physical where they are encoded programmatically and then reconsistuted similarly as in star trek but without the mishap.

Transmutation or metamorphosis is a common theme within classical literature the Roman Gods frequently transformed mortals and other Gods themselves into other beings human and animal. This however I believe and yet I could be mistaken is indicative to the changing maleable state of the human psyche and its comparison to archetypal forms represented by nature. But hey wait a second where do we spend most of our time if at all. If you believe in it or not we spend most of our time as spirits as non physical beings. So then this should indicate that it might be perfectly natural to exist between the physical and no physical.

If wormholes do exist surely it would be far easier to navigate them without the incuberance of a physical body.

Besides which I am quite often house bound and would'nt know the first thing about opening all the secret doors that would lead me into the secret underground base that has the stargate.

However we can imagine what it would be like. Weve all had a go at urban exploration in our youth. Going to that part of town that our parents would forbid, hanging out, exploring the haunted asylum and so on. What is behind that door?

Sneak a peak @ Shepherds latest works DarkSide - Chapter 2 - The Watchers

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